More Power Shedding Scheduled For St. Kitts

Needsmust Power Plant - St. Kitts - Nevis

Needsmust Power Plant – St. Kitts

St. Kitts Electricity Department
October 4, 2009

Over the past few months the Electricity Department and Ministry as a whole have been making tremendous strides in providing a reliable service to its customers, but unfortunately we have experienced some difficulties with one of our generators. (#ad)

Over the weekend the KV12 #1 developed a problem which resulted in the need for extensive maintenance which could last in excess of one month. In addition the problem has been made more acute with two Caterpillar 3616, which have been out of service for almost a year due to major damage. It is the recommendation of the manufacturers’ representative that both Caterpillar engines be decommissioned and replaced.

Currently, the peak demand for the nation is 24.5MW, which can be covered by the system in its current configuration, without reserve. The department is in the process of installing and commissioning a new MAN 4.0MW Holeby engine which would come on stream within the next few weeks bringing the capacity to 28.6MW without the KV12 #1 engine which is being repaired.

After the Holeby engine has been placed online the system will again have adequate reserve. In the mean time, the department will be forced to implement a load shedding program during the peak period from Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m in order to maintain adequate spinning reserve. The department expects that no area will be without electricity for more that three hours at a time. The department and the Ministry continues to have the cooperation of the private sector in utilizing their individual generators.

The Electricity Department deeply regrets the inconvenience that the interruption in supply of electricity has caused.

The Management

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